To attention of HD2 owners!!!!!!!! Unfortunately, owing to Asus, on the market is the party of players with a "beaten" boot-code, to be exact, with the block of restoration "rescue". If through the reset button the player is not updating FW, don't do anything, first - you must to update boot, details here viewtopic.php?p=1233#p1233
То install ONLY with using reset button or soft reset!!!
Attention for non Asus players owners! FW is for players with min 256Мb FlashROM!!!
Tested on Asus HDP-R1/R3, HD2, Iconbit 7L, Egreat R1, Playon!HD MINI, Digma HDMP-301, QUMO HP001, 3QMMP-F420HW, MEASY E8HD, Kaiboer m1073plus (write about your plaeyrs and resalts, we'll add here).
Great thanks to: Farvoice, Virtual, Sekator500, Loseless, Jarre, Olegin for this revision.
Differences from original beta FW from ASUS:
Activated: Wi-fi, Youtube, Opera, RSS
Added: X-Live (from X-treamer), irFake (initially FW works with Asus R1/R3/HD2 and Iconbit 6L/7L RC’s, to add other RC’s edit /usr/local/etc/mos/irfake/irfake.conf), Video settings (brightness, contrast…), RootApp, updated video-audio drivers from Iconbit FW’s, opt directory, top (to see system utilisation in dynamic, to use tape top in the telnet command line, press q to exit);
Removed: internal HDD checks HDD в меню NAS menu and BT WEB interface
Eliminated/corrected: reset on Iconbit players, password for embedded ftp (access to root ro - user: default, psw: default, rw - user: root, psw: root), “sleeping” after 5 minutes after power on, creating simlinks in ext3 HDD and flash drives after switching on NAS services
System changes: can install on all bootcode versions, root in RW, default settings IP, netmask
Additional possibilities:
1. For change, add, delete in /etc, do:
- Code: Select all
umount /etc
mount -o remount rw /
and now you can change in /etc, after tape reboot
2. You can create and update RootApp scripts in directories:
parameters stop for suspend and start for wakeup
scripts must named S??*, ?? - script number, S01xxxxx starts first, S02yyyy second... with delay
3. You can install moS as usually, but irfake and nosleep is already implemented to this FW.
And so on...
Two realizations of FW are available:
"Bin" version all FW in yaffs2, root RW, you can change all, but free space is low:
- Code: Select all
~ # df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 186.8M 172.9M 13.9M 93% /
/dev/mtdblock/2 16.0M 8.5M 7.5M 53% /usr/local/etc
- Code: Select all
ViiDifPatcher.exe DvdPlayer xxx.dif
"Plus" version - all FW in yaffs2, but /usr/local/bin is in squash image - /usr/local/bin.squash, mounts from /usr/local/etc/rcS, it's for users who need more free space and not offen change something in bin, you can make the bin image and copy it to the player without FW reinstalling and all your changes in usr/local/etc will be kept:
- Code: Select all
~ # df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 186.8M 66.9M 119.8M 36% /
/dev/mtdblock/2 16.0M 2.9M 13.1M 18% /usr/local/etc
Use and enjoy...
Sorry, but the main discussion is in the russian part of forum viewtopic.php?f=8&t=217&start=0, you can use Google translate...
Upd: 24/12/2010 (Farvoice, Olegin) Revision 3
1. moS implemented in FW, managing from main menu -> NAS
2. embedded ftp, samba, bt deleted from system and changed to moS services, iTunes server moved in moS
3. preinstall services and them conditions after FW start:
4. NAS menu on TV screen:
5. NAS->moServices menu on TV screen:
6. changed moS web interface link: http:// Player_IP /cgi-bin/services.cgi or http:// Player_IP
7. changed web RC link: http:// Player_IP /rc.htm
8. moS moved to root for memory optimization:
- Code: Select all
~ # df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 186.8M 89.5M 97.2M 48% /
/dev/mtdblock/2 16.0M 1.4M 14.6M 9% /usr/local/etc
9. fixed problems with Polish and Czech languages (thank’s to Przemo_111 and Rest)
10. from this revision wil be plus version only
11. changed default net settings: IP, net mask
Upd: 29/12/2010 (Farvoice, Olegin, Sashunya, Lossless) Revision 3 blue skin
1. Blue skin like on HDP-R1/R3 firmwares. Screenshots here
2. Menu "Internet Radio" moved top and after pressing moves in radio favorites.
3. Samba replaced on native HD2 (module name has remained the same)
Upd: 04/01/2011 (Farvoice, Olegin) Revision 3.1 brown skin
1. moS colors in brown (as in original HD2 FW);
2. Presetup:
-Autoscaning storage off.
-DNR off.
-24P on.
-Audio hdmi RAW
-Audio spdif RAW
-wired net - auto
-TV system 576P
-language - english
-DVD autostart off.
3. After install you must change in Setup: language, time zone and TV system;
4. In irfake.conf added codes from IconBit 41,4,5;
5. Fixed error on RSS Ex module - crash NAS menu when deleting module;
6. Fixed problems with Hungarian and Czech languages;
7. Samba replaced by native HD2;
8. Update moS Core - improve performance.
Upd: 04/01/2011 (Farvoice, Sashunya) Revision 3.1 blue skin
Based on 04/01/2011 (Farvoice, Olegin) Revision 3.1 brown skin
Upd: 22/01/2011 (Olegin) O!Direct v.1223
Works on Windows7 x64 too.
Upd: 20/03/2011 Revision 3.2 brown skin
1. New functoins (new codes) for pults (all questions toVirtual):
Code_FN FN 0x686C
0x1C '0 0x1C e31c686c
0x1D '1 0x1D e21d686c
0x1E '2 0x1E e11e686c
0x1F '3 0x1F e01f686c
0x20 '4 0x20 df20686c
0x21 '5 0x21 de21686c
0x22 '6 0x22 dd22686c
0x23 '7 0x23 dc23686c
0x24 '8 0x24 db24686c
0x25 '9 0x25 da25686c
0x32 A-B 0x26 d926686c
0x66 BROWSER 0x27 d827686c
0x8F CONFIRM 0x28 d728686c
0x90 SELECT 0x29 d629686c
0x92 MUSIC 0x2A d52a686c
2. Videosettins added in context menu.
3. RSSEx 1.6. replaced with 2.0.7
4. Implemented Ukraine-online
5. Changed irfake to last version, now you can programm power on button in config file
6. Add captute funftion (only for static menu screens), result in /tmp/nfs
start - http:// Player_IP /cgi-bin/IpodCGI.cgi?id=0&command=option_blue or programm on RC with irfake (for Iconbit 7L it works on CONFIRM button).
in RW now, you can change it by yuorself...
Upd: 20/03/2011 Revision 3.2 blue skin