(Решено) Зависает HDR12L

Разбор непоняток

(решено) Проблема с флешкой при прошивке IconBIT HDR12L

Postby MrMADRYAN » 18 Aug 2016, 21:46

Здравствуйте форумчане.

Пытаюсь установить AMP R13 на IconBIT HDR12L, флешка в FAT32 вставлена с залитой прошивкой на неё. Зажимаю кнопку питания, подключаю кабель питания, появляется надпись "Подождите немного, Ваш IconBIT загружается", флешка мигает раз 5 - 6 и тишина, плеер перестаёт реагировать на пульт. Видел на форуме нечто подобное про другой плеер. Пробовал все версии, начиная с AMP R11, ничего не хочет шиться. Версии для "древних" буткодов тоже пробовал - не помогает. А вот загрузиться в заводскую доработанную можно. Что стоит попробовать? (В прошлый раз написал не в ту тему, извините пожалуйста)

P.S. Заводскую прошивку от IconBIT тоже отказался ставить на том же месте. После "Подождите немного, Ваш IconBIT загружается" ничего не происходит.
IconBIT HDR12L, AMP R13, No-GUI, HDD: Western Digital VelociRaptor WD1500HLHX.
Posts: 18
Joined: 13 Aug 2016, 06:22
Location: Москва, Россия

Re: AMP R13 на IconBIT HDR12L

Postby docg » 18 Aug 2016, 22:02

как вариант
попробуй другую флешку, небольшого объема
IconBIT XDS73d mk2 (inext_hd1_225_r0)
Posts: 65
Joined: 15 Sep 2014, 21:30

(Решено) Зависает HDR12L

Postby MrMADRYAN » 19 Aug 2016, 19:04

Всем здравствуйте ещё раз.

Использовал в первый раз флешку на гигабайт (2008 год) - не пошло. Сейчас взял на 16 гиг тошибу - прошился на ура.

UPD: Установил вчера прошивку AMP R13 No-GUI, всё работало нормально, но потом что-то пошло не так...

Плеер HDR12L зависает при передачи файлов через Samba или FTP, память и нагрузка на процессор в htop = 100%. На заводских прошивках от IconBIT такого не было. Вернее было, но очень редко.
SWAP или RAM zipped SWAP отключены: пока не форматировал диск, который и без этого на 74 гб ;)
Поможет ли SWAP на диске или стоит подобрать другую версию AMP?
IconBIT HDR12L, AMP R13, No-GUI, HDD: Western Digital VelociRaptor WD1500HLHX.
Posts: 18
Joined: 13 Aug 2016, 06:22
Location: Москва, Россия

Re: Зависает HDR12L

Postby Virtual » 19 Aug 2016, 19:50

диск по SATA?
марсы: HDS7 (смотрелка AMP скин vrt )
HDR12 AMP (обычно сервер с RAM 256 и 2 SATA диска 2T+)//но очень иногда оцифровка видео
XTR PRO(AMP, HTTP(S) NFS SMB FTP сервер +trans2.90 + 2 SATA диска 2T+
сатурны: XTR Prodigy, R6S(512Mb_NAND), HD900A(_MD*) прошивка
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Re: Зависает HDR12L

Postby MrMADRYAN » 19 Aug 2016, 23:14

Да, диск подключён по SATA, стоит внутри плеера.
IconBIT HDR12L, AMP R13, No-GUI, HDD: Western Digital VelociRaptor WD1500HLHX.
Posts: 18
Joined: 13 Aug 2016, 06:22
Location: Москва, Россия

Re: Зависает HDR12L

Postby Virtual » 20 Aug 2016, 05:40

1. покажи информацию SMART (модуль SMART HDD Tool (smartctl 5.41))
2. покажи график нагрузок с момента начала копирования и до "зависает" (модуль System monitoring)
3. FS и диск на ошибки проверял?
4.FS какого типа?
марсы: HDS7 (смотрелка AMP скин vrt )
HDR12 AMP (обычно сервер с RAM 256 и 2 SATA диска 2T+)//но очень иногда оцифровка видео
XTR PRO(AMP, HTTP(S) NFS SMB FTP сервер +trans2.90 + 2 SATA диска 2T+
сатурны: XTR Prodigy, R6S(512Mb_NAND), HD900A(_MD*) прошивка
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Re: Зависает HDR12L

Postby MrMADRYAN » 20 Aug 2016, 20:39

smartctl 5.41 2011-06-09 r3365 [mips-linux-] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-11 by Bruce Allen, http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net

Model Family: Western Digital Raptor
Device Model: WDC WD740ADFD-00NLR5
Serial Number: WD-WMANS2100721
Firmware Version: 21.07QR5
User Capacity: 74,355,769,344 bytes [74.3 GB]
Sector Size: 512 bytes logical/physical
Device is: In smartctl database [for details use: -P show]
ATA Version is: 7
ATA Standard is: ATA/ATAPI-7 published, ANSI INCITS 397-2005
Local Time is: Sat Aug 20 20:07:59 2016 MSK
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
Warning: This result is based on an Attribute check.

General SMART Values:
Offline data collection status: (0x82) Offline data collection activity
was completed without error.
Auto Offline Data Collection: Enabled.
Self-test execution status: ( 0) The previous self-test routine completed
without error or no self-test has ever
been run.
Total time to complete Offline
data collection: ( 2391) seconds.
Offline data collection
capabilities: (0x7b) SMART execute Offline immediate.
Auto Offline data collection on/off support.
Suspend Offline collection upon new
Offline surface scan supported.
Self-test supported.
Conveyance Self-test supported.
Selective Self-test supported.
SMART capabilities: (0x0003) Saves SMART data before entering
power-saving mode.
Supports SMART auto save timer.
Error logging capability: (0x01) Error logging supported.
General Purpose Logging supported.
Short self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 2) minutes.
Extended self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 39) minutes.
Conveyance self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 5) minutes.
SCT capabilities: (0x103f) SCT Status supported.
SCT Error Recovery Control supported.
SCT Feature Control supported.
SCT Data Table supported.

SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 16
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate PO-R-- 200 169 051 - 0
3 Spin_Up_Time POS--- 169 168 021 - 2591
4 Start_Stop_Count -O--CK 099 099 040 - 1134
5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct PO--CK 200 200 140 - 0
7 Seek_Error_Rate -O-R-- 200 200 051 - 0
9 Power_On_Hours -O--CK 078 078 000 - 16528
10 Spin_Retry_Count -O--C- 100 100 051 - 0
11 Calibration_Retry_Count -O--C- 100 100 051 - 0
12 Power_Cycle_Count -O--CK 099 099 000 - 1069
194 Temperature_Celsius -O---K 120 089 000 - 23
196 Reallocated_Event_Count -O--CK 200 200 000 - 0
197 Current_Pending_Sector -O--C- 200 200 000 - 0
198 Offline_Uncorrectable -O--C- 200 200 000 - 0
199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count -O-R-- 200 253 000 - 0
200 Multi_Zone_Error_Rate ---R-- 200 200 051 - 0
||||||_ K auto-keep
|||||__ C event count
||||___ R error rate
|||____ S speed/performance
||_____ O updated online
|______ P prefailure warning

General Purpose Log Directory Version 1
SMART Log Directory Version 1 [multi-sector log support]
GP/S Log at address 0x00 has 1 sectors [Log Directory]
SMART Log at address 0x01 has 1 sectors [Summary SMART error log]
SMART Log at address 0x02 has 2 sectors [Comprehensive SMART error log]
GP Log at address 0x03 has 2 sectors [Ext. Comprehensive SMART error log]
SMART Log at address 0x06 has 1 sectors [SMART self-test log]
GP Log at address 0x07 has 2 sectors [Extended self-test log]
SMART Log at address 0x09 has 1 sectors [Selective self-test log]
GP Log at address 0x10 has 1 sectors [NCQ Command Error]
GP Log at address 0x11 has 1 sectors [SATA Phy Event Counters]
GP/S Log at address 0x80 has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x81 has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x82 has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x83 has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x84 has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x85 has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x86 has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x87 has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x88 has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x89 has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x8a has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x8b has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x8c has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x8d has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x8e has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x8f has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x90 has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x91 has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x92 has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x93 has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x94 has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x95 has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x96 has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x97 has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x98 has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x99 has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x9a has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x9b has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x9c has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x9d has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x9e has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0x9f has 16 sectors [Host vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xa0 has 16 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xa1 has 16 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xa2 has 16 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xa3 has 16 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xa4 has 16 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xa5 has 16 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xa6 has 16 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xa7 has 16 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xa8 has 1 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xa9 has 1 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xaa has 1 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xab has 1 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xac has 1 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xad has 1 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xae has 1 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xaf has 1 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xb0 has 1 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xb1 has 1 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xb2 has 1 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xb3 has 1 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xb4 has 1 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xb5 has 1 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xb6 has 1 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xb7 has 1 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xc0 has 1 sectors [Device vendor specific log]
GP/S Log at address 0xe0 has 1 sectors [SCT Command/Status]
GP/S Log at address 0xe1 has 1 sectors [SCT Data Transfer]

SMART Extended Comprehensive Error Log Version: 1 (2 sectors)
Device Error Count: 158 (device log contains only the most recent 8 errors)
CR = Command Register
FEATR = Features Register
COUNT = Count (was: Sector Count) Register
LBA_48 = Upper bytes of LBA High/Mid/Low Registers ] ATA-8
LH = LBA High (was: Cylinder High) Register ] LBA
LM = LBA Mid (was: Cylinder Low) Register ] Register
LL = LBA Low (was: Sector Number) Register ]
DV = Device (was: Device/Head) Register
DC = Device Control Register
ER = Error register
ST = Status register
Powered_Up_Time is measured from power on, and printed as
DDd+hh:mm:SS.sss where DD=days, hh=hours, mm=minutes,
SS=sec, and sss=millisec. It "wraps" after 49.710 days.

Error 158 [5] occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 14731 hours (613 days + 19 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- == -- == == == -- -- -- -- --
40 -- 51 00 3f 00 00 05 31 b4 e4 e0 00 Error: UNC 63 sectors at LBA = 0x0531b4e4 = 87143652

Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FEATR COUNT LBA_48 LH LM LL DV DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- == -- == -- == == == -- -- -- -- -- --------------- --------------------
25 00 00 00 3f 00 00 05 31 b4 c0 40 00 00:00:58.550 READ DMA EXT
25 00 00 00 01 00 00 05 31 b4 bf 40 00 00:00:58.550 READ DMA EXT
25 00 00 00 01 00 00 08 7d 3c 77 40 00 00:00:58.550 READ DMA EXT
25 00 00 00 23 00 00 00 61 ac 1c 40 00 00:00:58.550 READ DMA EXT
25 00 00 00 1d 00 00 00 61 ab ff 40 00 00:00:58.550 READ DMA EXT

Error 157 [4] occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 14731 hours (613 days + 19 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- == -- == == == -- -- -- -- --
40 -- 51 00 08 00 00 00 31 b4 e2 e5 00 Error: UNC 8 sectors at LBA = 0x0531b4e2 = 87143650

Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FEATR COUNT LBA_48 LH LM LL DV DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- == -- == -- == == == -- -- -- -- -- --------------- --------------------
c8 00 00 00 08 00 00 05 31 b4 df 40 00 00:30:54.000 READ DMA
ca 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 04 fc cf 40 00 00:30:54.000 WRITE DMA
ca 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 d7 40 00 00:30:54.000 WRITE DMA
e7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00:30:54.000 FLUSH CACHE
c8 00 00 00 08 00 00 08 7d b0 77 40 00 00:30:54.000 READ DMA

Error 156 [3] occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 14731 hours (613 days + 19 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- == -- == == == -- -- -- -- --
40 -- 51 00 08 00 00 00 31 b4 e2 e5 00 Error: UNC 8 sectors at LBA = 0x0531b4e2 = 87143650

Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FEATR COUNT LBA_48 LH LM LL DV DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- == -- == -- == == == -- -- -- -- -- --------------- --------------------
c8 00 00 00 08 00 00 05 31 b4 df 40 00 00:30:19.600 READ DMA
ca 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 cf 40 00 00:30:19.600 WRITE DMA
ca 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 df 40 00 00:30:19.600 WRITE DMA
ca 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 01 5c a7 40 00 00:30:19.600 WRITE DMA
ca 00 00 00 80 00 00 07 b5 43 67 40 00 00:30:19.600 WRITE DMA

Error 155 [2] occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 14731 hours (613 days + 19 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- == -- == == == -- -- -- -- --
40 -- 51 00 08 00 00 00 31 b4 e6 e5 00 Error: UNC 8 sectors at LBA = 0x0531b4e6 = 87143654

Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FEATR COUNT LBA_48 LH LM LL DV DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- == -- == -- == == == -- -- -- -- -- --------------- --------------------
c8 00 00 00 08 00 00 05 31 b4 df 40 00 00:30:16.050 READ DMA
ca 00 00 00 80 00 00 07 b5 37 67 40 00 00:30:16.050 WRITE DMA
c8 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00:30:16.050 READ DMA
ca 00 00 00 08 00 00 01 19 5a 1f 40 00 00:30:16.050 WRITE DMA
ca 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 c7 40 00 00:30:16.050 WRITE DMA

Error 154 [1] occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 14731 hours (613 days + 19 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- == -- == == == -- -- -- -- --
40 -- 51 00 08 00 00 00 31 b4 e4 e5 00 Error: UNC 8 sectors at LBA = 0x0531b4e4 = 87143652

Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FEATR COUNT LBA_48 LH LM LL DV DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- == -- == -- == == == -- -- -- -- -- --------------- --------------------
c8 00 00 00 08 00 00 05 31 b4 df 40 00 00:30:11.650 READ DMA
c8 00 00 00 10 00 00 03 c5 e7 6f 40 00 00:30:11.650 READ DMA
c8 00 00 00 38 00 00 03 c5 e5 5f 40 00 00:30:11.650 READ DMA
c8 00 00 00 80 00 00 02 1f 81 d7 40 00 00:30:11.650 READ DMA
c8 00 00 00 80 00 00 02 1f 81 57 40 00 00:30:11.650 READ DMA

Error 153 [0] occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 14730 hours (613 days + 18 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- == -- == == == -- -- -- -- --
40 -- 51 00 08 00 00 00 31 b4 e2 e5 00 Error: UNC 8 sectors at LBA = 0x0531b4e2 = 87143650

Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FEATR COUNT LBA_48 LH LM LL DV DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- == -- == -- == == == -- -- -- -- -- --------------- --------------------
c8 00 00 00 08 00 00 05 31 b4 df 40 00 00:14:34.000 READ DMA
c8 00 00 00 17 00 00 00 20 f1 1f 40 00 00:14:34.000 READ DMA
c8 00 00 00 32 00 00 05 38 49 c7 40 00 00:14:34.000 READ DMA
c8 00 00 00 80 00 00 05 38 49 47 40 00 00:14:34.000 READ DMA
c8 00 00 00 20 00 00 05 38 49 27 40 00 00:14:34.000 READ DMA

Error 152 [7] occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 14730 hours (613 days + 18 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- == -- == == == -- -- -- -- --
40 -- 51 00 08 00 00 00 31 b4 e4 e5 00 Error: UNC 8 sectors at LBA = 0x0531b4e4 = 87143652

Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FEATR COUNT LBA_48 LH LM LL DV DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- == -- == -- == == == -- -- -- -- -- --------------- --------------------
c8 00 00 00 08 00 00 05 31 b4 df 40 00 00:13:34.900 READ DMA
c8 00 00 00 39 00 00 05 33 ff d7 40 00 00:13:34.900 READ DMA
c8 00 00 00 02 00 00 05 3c 95 2e 40 00 00:13:34.900 READ DMA
c8 00 00 00 02 00 00 05 33 ff f5 40 00 00:13:34.900 READ DMA
c8 00 00 00 08 00 00 05 48 85 8f 40 00 00:13:34.900 READ DMA

Error 151 [6] occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 14730 hours (613 days + 18 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- == -- == == == -- -- -- -- --
40 -- 51 00 08 00 00 00 31 b4 e2 e5 00 Error: UNC 8 sectors at LBA = 0x0531b4e2 = 87143650

Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FEATR COUNT LBA_48 LH LM LL DV DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- == -- == -- == == == -- -- -- -- -- --------------- --------------------
c8 00 00 00 08 00 00 05 31 b4 df 40 00 00:13:19.300 READ DMA
c8 00 00 00 38 00 00 05 4c c0 51 40 00 00:13:19.300 READ DMA
c8 00 00 00 20 00 00 05 45 10 28 40 00 00:13:19.300 READ DMA
c8 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 04 fa 97 40 00 00:13:19.300 READ DMA
c8 00 00 00 18 00 00 05 70 1a c1 40 00 00:13:19.300 READ DMA

SMART Extended Self-test Log Version: 1 (2 sectors)
Num Test_Description Status Remaining LifeTime(hours) LBA_of_first_error
# 1 Conveyance offline Completed without error 00% 16415 -

SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1
1 0 0 Not_testing
2 0 0 Not_testing
3 0 0 Not_testing
4 0 0 Not_testing
5 0 0 Not_testing
Selective self-test flags (0x0):
After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.
If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.

SCT Status Version: 2
SCT Version (vendor specific): 258 (0x0102)
SCT Support Level: 1
Device State: Active (0)
Current Temperature: 23 Celsius
Power Cycle Max Temperature: 23 Celsius
Lifetime Max Temperature: 54 Celsius
SCT Temperature History Version: 2
Temperature Sampling Period: 1 minute
Temperature Logging Interval: 1 minute
Min/Max recommended Temperature: 5/55 Celsius
Min/Max Temperature Limit: 1/60 Celsius
Temperature History Size (Index): 128 (104)

Index Estimated Time Temperature Celsius
105 2016-08-20 18:01 43 ************************
... ..( 4 skipped). .. ************************
110 2016-08-20 18:06 43 ************************
111 2016-08-20 18:07 ? -
112 2016-08-20 18:08 38 *******************
... ..( 2 skipped). .. *******************
115 2016-08-20 18:11 38 *******************
116 2016-08-20 18:12 39 ********************
117 2016-08-20 18:13 39 ********************
118 2016-08-20 18:14 39 ********************
119 2016-08-20 18:15 40 *********************
... ..( 2 skipped). .. *********************
122 2016-08-20 18:18 40 *********************
123 2016-08-20 18:19 41 **********************
124 2016-08-20 18:20 ? -
125 2016-08-20 18:21 32 *************
126 2016-08-20 18:22 32 *************
127 2016-08-20 18:23 33 **************
0 2016-08-20 18:24 33 **************
1 2016-08-20 18:25 34 ***************
2 2016-08-20 18:26 34 ***************
3 2016-08-20 18:27 35 ****************
4 2016-08-20 18:28 35 ****************
5 2016-08-20 18:29 36 *****************
6 2016-08-20 18:30 36 *****************
7 2016-08-20 18:31 37 ******************
8 2016-08-20 18:32 37 ******************
9 2016-08-20 18:33 38 *******************
10 2016-08-20 18:34 38 *******************
11 2016-08-20 18:35 38 *******************
12 2016-08-20 18:36 39 ********************
13 2016-08-20 18:37 39 ********************
14 2016-08-20 18:38 39 ********************
15 2016-08-20 18:39 40 *********************
... ..( 2 skipped). .. *********************
18 2016-08-20 18:42 40 *********************
19 2016-08-20 18:43 41 **********************
... ..( 2 skipped). .. **********************
22 2016-08-20 18:46 41 **********************
23 2016-08-20 18:47 ? -
24 2016-08-20 18:48 37 ******************
25 2016-08-20 18:49 37 ******************
26 2016-08-20 18:50 37 ******************
27 2016-08-20 18:51 38 *******************
28 2016-08-20 18:52 38 *******************
29 2016-08-20 18:53 38 *******************
30 2016-08-20 18:54 39 ********************
31 2016-08-20 18:55 39 ********************
32 2016-08-20 18:56 39 ********************
33 2016-08-20 18:57 40 *********************
... ..( 2 skipped). .. *********************
36 2016-08-20 19:00 40 *********************
37 2016-08-20 19:01 ? -
38 2016-08-20 19:02 41 **********************
39 2016-08-20 19:03 41 **********************
40 2016-08-20 19:04 ? -
41 2016-08-20 19:05 41 **********************
42 2016-08-20 19:06 41 **********************
43 2016-08-20 19:07 ? -
44 2016-08-20 19:08 41 **********************
45 2016-08-20 19:09 42 ***********************
... ..( 4 skipped). .. ***********************
50 2016-08-20 19:14 42 ***********************
51 2016-08-20 19:15 ? -
52 2016-08-20 19:16 24 *****
53 2016-08-20 19:17 24 *****
54 2016-08-20 19:18 25 ******
55 2016-08-20 19:19 26 *******
56 2016-08-20 19:20 27 ********
57 2016-08-20 19:21 28 *********
58 2016-08-20 19:22 28 *********
59 2016-08-20 19:23 29 **********
60 2016-08-20 19:24 30 ***********
61 2016-08-20 19:25 31 ************
62 2016-08-20 19:26 31 ************
63 2016-08-20 19:27 32 *************
64 2016-08-20 19:28 32 *************
65 2016-08-20 19:29 33 **************
66 2016-08-20 19:30 33 **************
67 2016-08-20 19:31 34 ***************
68 2016-08-20 19:32 34 ***************
69 2016-08-20 19:33 35 ****************
70 2016-08-20 19:34 35 ****************
71 2016-08-20 19:35 36 *****************
72 2016-08-20 19:36 36 *****************
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Error Write SCT (Get) Error Recovery Control Command failed: scsi error aborted command
Warning: device does not support SCT (Get) Error Recovery Control command

SATA Phy Event Counters (GP Log 0x11)
ID Size Value Description
0x0001 2 0 Command failed due to ICRC error
0x000a 2 2 Device-to-host register FISes sent due to a COMRESET
0x8000 4 68 Vendor specific

3. Да, проверял, на другой машине - всё было нормально. Victoria тоже не ругалась.
4. FS = ext3 (форматировался заводской прошивкой IconBIT 8.5.2 r4599)
График приложил.
В качестве тестового файла использовался архив zip без сжатия, размером 500 MiB.
Прирост графика - передача файла
dfc.png (103.8 KiB) Viewed 6317 times
IconBIT HDR12L, AMP R13, No-GUI, HDD: Western Digital VelociRaptor WD1500HLHX.
Posts: 18
Joined: 13 Aug 2016, 06:22
Location: Москва, Россия

Re: Зависает HDR12L

Postby Virtual » 21 Aug 2016, 14:02

в смарт все в норме...
странный график ;) (точнее он абсолютно корректен, хорошо видно что данные попали в кеш и шла запись с лимитом dirty коий сбросится ~ через 30 сек после окончания записи) по нему видно что клиент залил чуток (на вполне кст нормальной скорости около 50 мбит) и пропал! при том доступ к плееру сохранился (график то продолжал двигаться)

PS фтп точно из moS пользуем?
vsFTPd FTP daemon v3.0.2 dynamic
moS точно полностью обновлен?
марсы: HDS7 (смотрелка AMP скин vrt )
HDR12 AMP (обычно сервер с RAM 256 и 2 SATA диска 2T+)//но очень иногда оцифровка видео
XTR PRO(AMP, HTTP(S) NFS SMB FTP сервер +trans2.90 + 2 SATA диска 2T+
сатурны: XTR Prodigy, R6S(512Mb_NAND), HD900A(_MD*) прошивка
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Re: Зависает HDR12L

Postby MrMADRYAN » 21 Aug 2016, 16:38

Так вот мне и странно, что SMART в норме. Плеер "повис" именно при том скачке CPU на графике.
Да, ничего стороннего я не прикручивал, moS последний. Кстати, попробовал ещё раз, и опять тот же график, скачок CPU до 100% и всё, больше плеер не отвечает, помогает только выдрать кабель питания из розетки.
И что я передаю через Samba, что через тот же FTP - результат всегда один.
Попробовал заменить HDD на другой, снятый с Ubuntu server - то же самое.
IconBIT HDR12L, AMP R13, No-GUI, HDD: Western Digital VelociRaptor WD1500HLHX.
Posts: 18
Joined: 13 Aug 2016, 06:22
Location: Москва, Россия

Re: Зависает HDR12L

Postby Virtual » 21 Aug 2016, 17:00

еще раз по графикам плеер не завис! просто нагружен по самое.
при записи по сети, интерфейсы плеера реально начнут тормозить ибо все ресурсы отданы на запись данных на диск.
вот как выглядит у мну: (запись 1г данных по фтп)
| +
1283-ftp-ufsd-upload.PNG (60.61 KiB) Viewed 6262 times
1283-ftp-ext3-upload.PNG (66.92 KiB) Viewed 6262 times
1283-ftp-ext2-upload.PNG (68.6 KiB) Viewed 6262 times

и да в процессе записи ресурсов реально не хватает даже на вэб ;).
тоесть не дергаемся и пиииишем.
марсы: HDS7 (смотрелка AMP скин vrt )
HDR12 AMP (обычно сервер с RAM 256 и 2 SATA диска 2T+)//но очень иногда оцифровка видео
XTR PRO(AMP, HTTP(S) NFS SMB FTP сервер +trans2.90 + 2 SATA диска 2T+
сатурны: XTR Prodigy, R6S(512Mb_NAND), HD900A(_MD*) прошивка
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