Kdlinks HD720 NUPGRADE error message

о железе плеера и о периферии

Re: Kdlinks HD720 NUPGRADE error message

Postby Aaron » 28 Jan 2020, 05:41

Since I only understand English, reading from google translation need a bit of guessing. I am not sure if my method is correct or not.
I just telnet to the HD720 OEM firmware and following the direction from FAQ. But I end up with read only error. Not sure what I am missing.

/tmp # wget http://www.moservices.org/mos3/install
--2020-01-25 19:56:48-- http://www.moservices.org/mos3/install
Resolving www.moservices.org...
Connecting to www.moservices.org||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 4393 (4.3K)
Saving to: `install'

100%[=====================================================>] 4,393 --.-K/s in 0.003s

2020-01-25 19:56:48 (1.25 MB/s) - `install' saved [4393/4393]
/tmp # chmod +x install
/tmp # ./install
Detected 2.6.34-VENUS core
Detected uClibc
mkdir: can't create directory '/usr/local/etc/mos': Read-only file system
error: Can't create /usr/local/etc/mos directory
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Re: Kdlinks HD720 NUPGRADE error message

Postby Virtual » 28 Jan 2020, 18:55

docg wrote:You can try some modified fw (modified - it means original fw without bootloader but with already installed moservises http://moservices.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=3258)
May be Mede8er fw http://moservices.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=2630
or Inext http://moservices.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2673
I must say that it is mainly done for russian language, maybe for you it will not be useful

viewtopic.php?f=40&t=3707 (RU)
марсы: HDS7 (смотрелка AMP скин vrt )
HDR12 AMP (обычно сервер с RAM 256 и 2 SATA диска 2T+)//но очень иногда оцифровка видео
XTR PRO(AMP, HTTP(S) NFS SMB FTP сервер +trans2.90 + 2 SATA диска 2T+
сатурны: XTR Prodigy, R6S(512Mb_NAND), HD900A(_MD*) прошивка
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Re: Kdlinks HD720 NUPGRADE error message

Postby docg » 29 Jan 2020, 00:28

Aaron wrote:Thanks docg
I will try your suggestion soon. After doing more research I have two questions
1) ...
2) ...

1) If LAN network work well, there is no cause to worry.
2)We are not masking a problems, we solve the problem with logical bad blocks (they are do not have real physical damage). BBT table will be create again, if nand has physical damage.
Other words, if player boot up and work now, all is ok
IconBIT XDS73d mk2 (inext_hd1_225_r0)
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Re: Kdlinks HD720 NUPGRADE error message

Postby kap1tank » 27 May 2020, 14:50

Aaron wrote:Hello,
I have Kdlinks HD720 media player and it suddently display NUPGRADE error message on power up. This play is using Realtek 1186 chipset. Reload the manufacture firmware is unable to correct the issue. After some research, it seem the NAND in the boot code were corrupted. Some people seem able to use information in this forum to fix the corruption. Since I can only understand English, I have been using google translate to help reading this forum but still not understand how the boot code can be repair. I have opened the player and connect the UART port with the USB serial TTL to laptop. By using Putty to monitor COM port, I am able to see some message at boot up and then Busybox monitor. But then I am not sure what to do next. It would be nice someone can give me some help or hint for my next step.

Thanks a lot.

Hi brother!!!
Do you fix the problem???
I was same problem with nupgrade message.
I fix with 2 files into the pendrive (remenber both files into same place)
(11.13 MiB) and
(1.36 KiB)

-unzip both files and put into the pen drive (clean and formated fat)
-off the player disconecting the power cord
-conect the power cord now, check dont have nothing conect to player. hd, memorys, pendrive, net cord, uart port, etc, all bays clean....
-now press the power bottom for 5 sec, when the panel show "update" release the bottom.
-put the pendrive with both files into the usb port media player.
-wait for complete install. this files will clean your bios media, and install universal boot.
-be patient, the media will restart more than 1 time.

-when the player show the old logo of realtek, was finish, and show a message, wait for update. In this moment you can install the original update, I installed HD720 v1.5.

I test and work very fine.

http://www.moservices.org/forum/viewtop ... =14&t=3746
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Re: Kdlinks HD720 NUPGRADE error message

Postby baher4ever » 04 Jul 2021, 03:57

I did the provided solution
I downloaded both files into a flash memory
Pressed the power for 5 seconds
The upgrade appeared on the screen
I wasnt plugging the hdmi cable
I plugged the usb
The power button flashed several times but the screen of the device kept showing upgrade
I left it for sometime
Then plugged hdmi cable
I found only an arrow on the screen!
I turned off the device
Now the device screen doesnt show the nupgrade
It doesnt show anything!
My tv shows an arrow
I cant even open the safe mode
How can i fix this please….????
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Re: Kdlinks HD720 NUPGRADE error message

Postby Virtual » 04 Jul 2021, 20:50

просто дай плееру usb flash с прошивкой.
вероятно все починится само
марсы: HDS7 (смотрелка AMP скин vrt )
HDR12 AMP (обычно сервер с RAM 256 и 2 SATA диска 2T+)//но очень иногда оцифровка видео
XTR PRO(AMP, HTTP(S) NFS SMB FTP сервер +trans2.90 + 2 SATA диска 2T+
сатурны: XTR Prodigy, R6S(512Mb_NAND), HD900A(_MD*) прошивка
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Re: Kdlinks HD720 NUPGRADE error message

Postby baher4ever » 05 Jul 2021, 02:52

Thanks for the support and help
I'm now able to boot back into my device
After 3 years of keeping it on my shelf
I can't really remember that the interface was that dull and not user Friendly
Also my WIFI is not working
if i choose the network and enter the key
it keeps on saying testing and nothing happens for a long time
is there a fix for this ?
Also is there a custom firmware with a more user friendly interface that has all the movies box arts and has any streaming service preloaded?
Thanks your really made my day
I'm on firmware 1.5 by the way.
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Re: Kdlinks HD720 NUPGRADE error message

Postby Virtual » 05 Jul 2021, 05:19

марсы: HDS7 (смотрелка AMP скин vrt )
HDR12 AMP (обычно сервер с RAM 256 и 2 SATA диска 2T+)//но очень иногда оцифровка видео
XTR PRO(AMP, HTTP(S) NFS SMB FTP сервер +trans2.90 + 2 SATA диска 2T+
сатурны: XTR Prodigy, R6S(512Mb_NAND), HD900A(_MD*) прошивка
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Re: Kdlinks HD720 NUPGRADE error message

Postby r0mano » 24 Oct 2024, 01:38

Sry for raising the topic, but i would be grateful if you guys could share the original firmwares files for HD720. I searched and didn't find any option. Thx in advance
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